Will You Be Able to Drink Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

June 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — denstcovington @ 8:25 pm
Close-up of cup of coffee on a plate

If you need to have a tooth extraction performed to protect the health of your smile, you may find yourself wondering how your daily routine will be affected while your mouth is healing. For example, you might be in the habit of enjoying a hot cup of coffee every morning. Will you need to break this habit until your mouth has fully recovered? Your dentist is here with the information you need to make the right decisions after your tooth extraction.

What Can Happen If You Drink Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

Simply put, trying to drink coffee after having a tooth removed can lead to a wide variety of complications. Notably, it can cause significant discomfort. This is due to the fact that the nerve endings at the extraction site will be more vulnerable than normal, thus making it painful to eat or drink anything that has a high temperature.

Even worse, hot liquids such as coffee may dislodge the blood clot that has formed at the extraction site. Said blood clot needs to stay in place in order for the mouth to heal the right way. If the blood clot comes out prematurely, the result is a dry socket, which is a painful complication that can make the recovery process take even longer.

One last thing to note is that the caffeine in coffee can increase your blood pressure. This could potentially cause bleeding at the extraction site, which in turn may increase the risk of the blood clot becoming dislodged.

When Will You Be Able to Drink Coffee Again?

You shouldn’t drink coffee for at least five days after your tooth extraction. That said, your mouth won’t necessarily be completely done healing after the fifth day. To be on the safe side, when you resume drinking coffee, you should initially do so in limited amounts. Generally speaking, you can expect to be able to return to your normal coffee-drinking habits after two weeks. Note that healing times can vary from patient to patient; be sure to speak to your dentist to see what they recommend.

Other Tips for Drinking After a Tooth Extraction

In addition to staying away from coffee, you should also keep these tips in mind after tooth extraction:

  • Don’t Drink Anything Carbonated: Carbonated drinks carry a risk of dislodging your blood clot.
  • Stay Away from Anything with Alcohol: Alcohol can slow down the healing process. It can also weaken your immune system and leave you more susceptible to infection.
  • Don’t Use a Straw: When you drink anything through a straw, the force of the suction could disturb your blood clot.

As inconvenient as changing your drinking habits may seem, it will all be worth it to ensure that the healing process goes smoothly. Once the recovery process is over, you can go back to enjoying coffee on a regular basis without worry.

About the Author

Dr. Navi Dhaliwal is a proud graduate of the University of Detroit Mercy, which is where she earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery. She always takes the time to get to know her patients better so that she can personalize the treatment she gives them accordingly. Her practice, Complete Dental Care of Covington, offers a number of services for protecting oral health, including tooth extractions. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Dhaliwal, visit her website or call (253) 243-6576.

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